SCOOBY DOO'S MAZE CHASE tm I N S T R U C T I O N S Intellivision Copyright Mattel Electronics Use with any Intellivision Master Component Computer Adapter and Computer Keyboard Scooby Doo Copyright 1983 Hanna-Barbera Productions Inc. [Screen Shot of Maze] Hanna-Barbera's top dog, Scooby Doo, is off and running! In practically no time, he must catch three ghosts who can turn on a dime! Then Scooby Doo must grab a sandwich and win a magic bone. Meanwhile, Scooby Doo GETS chased by a skull! There are ten ready-made mazes. Play on these, change them or program your own maze patterns using the computer keyboard. OBJECT OF THE GAME Keep Scooby Doo alive and scoring! At the start, Scooby Doo has 3 lives. (Bonus 4th life after 25,000 points.) Skull can be stopped by dropping a magic bone in its path. But all bones must be earned. At harder levels, skull moves much faster! TRY IT! 1. When the title comes up, press ANY key on the keyboard 2. To "SELECT MAZE"... press keyboard key from 0 to 9 and press RTN (Return) 3. Select 1 or 2 player game, press keyboard key 1 or 2 and press RTN (Return) 4. Press controller DISC to make SCOOBY DOO chase & catch each of 3 GHOSTS within 30 seconds of each other. [Picture of Scooby catching Ghosts] Then catch a SANDWICH to win a magic BONE [Picture of Sandwich and Bone] 5. Press SIDE buttons to drop a magic BONE. This temporarily stops the skull that keeps chasing Scooby Doo. 6. SCOOBY DOO has 3 lives. If the SKULL catches them all, GAME'S OVER! Press ANY keyboard key to bring up "1 OR 2 PLAYERS" for a new round, same maze. (Press RESET to select a different maze.) Nice try! But that is just a sample. To really enjoy the whole game, read the rest of the booklet. YOUR CONTROLS Slide SCOOBY DOO'S MAZE CHASE overlays into the Hand Controller frames so they cover the keypads. [Picture showing overlay insertion] Insert the game cartridge in the Computer Adapter cartridge slot. Turn the TV and Master Component ON. [Picture showing where to insert cartridge]. YOU WILL NEED A COMPUTER ADAPTOR AND COMPUTER KEYBOARD AS WELL AS AN INTELLIVISION MASTER COMPONENT TO PLAY THIS GAME. [Picture showing Intellivision Controls] Any SIDE action button on either hand controller will drop a magic bone to block the skull and make him "sleep". (2nd bone may not be dropped while another is still on screen. Bone will STAY where it is until hit by skull.) HOW TO START Press ANY keyboard key. When you see... SELECT MAZE press any key from 0-9 and press RTN (Return). The maze you chose will come on the screen. You'll play on the SAME maze through all 13 skill levels. [Picture of Intellivision Computer Keyboard] SKILL CLOCK Watch the Skill CLock at the bottom of your screen. Clock hands will show "2 o'clock" for skill level two, etc. [Diagram of Maze, Player 1 Running Score, High Score, Player 2 Running Score, Bone, Scooby Doo, Skull, Skill Level Clock and Ghosts] MORE ABOUT GAME PLAY Use the controller DISC to make Scooby Doo chase the ghosts. The first ghost caught will disappear off your screen for exactly 30 seconds. (Watch the screen and see how many points you'll get for that ghost!) The next two ghosts must be caught within that SAME 30 seconds! If you don't do that, the first ghost will reappear in the same place Scooby Doo caught him originally. GRAB THAT SUBMARINE SANDWICH [Picture of Scooby heading for the Sandwich] When all three ghosts are caught in 30 seconds, the skull will stop right where it is for 5 seconds. Skull will then vanish and a sandwich will appear. Now for the hard part! Your task is to make Scooby Doo catch his favorite submarine sandwich & eat it up. But all the time you have is the time remaining until that first ghost is due to appear! WIN THEM BONES! When Scooby Doo grabs a sandwich, you've won yourself a magic bone! [Picture of magic bone] Dropping a bone in the skull's path will stop it from chasing Scooby Doo! Press any hand controller side action key to drop a magic bone to block the skull and make him "sleep". How LONG the skull will stay asleep depends on the level of difficulty. (At the harder levels, the skull takes short naps only!) 13 SKILL LEVELS The Skill level of the game goes up every 2000 points from the start. (See "Scoring.") When the level goes up, here's what happens... Maze COLOR will change SKILL CLOCK will change (5 o'clock for 5th skill level, etc) Both ghosts and skulls will CHANGE characteristics! SKILL LEVEL MAZE COLORS CHARACTERISTICS 1 light blue 2 orange 3 purple 4 cyan 5 yellow As the game gets harder, 6 dark green skull & ghosts get SMARTER! 7 red At highest skill levels, 8 pink skull moves FASTER than 9 light green SCOOBY DOO! The ONLY way 10 blue to stop it is to drop a 11 gray magic bone in its path! 12 white 13 BLANK SCREEN Maze becomes invisible, can be seen in flashes only. SCORING First Ghost Caught (2 left on screen) 50 points Second Ghost Caught (1 left on screen) 200 points Third Ghost Caught (none left on screen) 750 points SKILL LEVEL goes up every 2000 points! BONUS 4TH LIFE FOR SCOOBY DOO AFTER 25,000 POINTS! CHANGE A MAZE... OR PROGRAM YOUR OWN! Maybe you'd like to rearrange a present maze -- shift a wall or reposition a corner? Or better still, why not start with a blank space and program your OWN original maze design! The EDIT MODE lets you do either or both. READY-MADE MAZE To change any of the 10 ready-made maze patterns... 1. Answer "SELECT MAZE" by pressing 0-9. (DON'T press RTN as yet.) 2. Press LETTER "E" on the keyboard. RED CURSOR will appear. [Picture of Red Cursor] 3. Use DIRECTION ARROWS to move red cursor. [Pictures of keyboard Arrow Keys] 4. Use keyboard letters U or D or L or R to ERASE a line alread there. Or ADD A NEW LINE in a blank space. Finished rearranging? Press RTN to bring up "1 or 2 PLAYERS" and continue as usual. TO PROGRAM YOUR BRAND NEW MAZE DESIGN... 1. Answer "SELECT MAZE" by pressing "3" on the keyboard. (Don't press RTN as yet.) 2. Press Letter "E", RED CURSOR will appear. [Picture showing lines being added to an empty maze] 3. Use DIRECTION ARROWS & LETTERS U or D or L or R to program your own maze pattern. Finished programming your own maze? Press RTN to bring up "1 or 2 PLAYERS" and continue as usual. ONE THING YOU CAN'T DO You cannot erase the four outside border lines. WINNING TIPS 1. WIN THE BONES! Dropping a Magic Bone in its path stops the skull, keeps Scooby Doo alive & scoring points! 2. PRACTICE THE MOVES! Press the controller DISC at the edges. Practice moving Scooby Doo up, down, right & left. 3. USE A BLANK MAZE FOR PRACTICE. Try it with no walls, or corners to worry about. Watch out for the skull! 4. DON'T GET CAUGHT chasing a ghost into a dead end with a skull following close behind. Avoid a trap! 5. TRY TO INTERCEPT the sandwich instead of chasing it. 6. WATCH WHERE YOU DROP the magic bones! You may have to lead the skull into the bone. (This gets a lot harder at higher skill levels!) 90 DAY LIMITED WARRANTY [information deleted] Video Game Advantage WWW manual archive --